Synthesis report
Exploring the challenges met and the alternatives found by WBL providers across Europe in their shift from WBL to eWBL.
This report aims to synthesize the findings of the case studies showing how the WBL to eWBL transition was accomplished. The document intends to indicate the best practices observed, highlight the solutions proposed by companies and HEIs to minimize the challenges faced by this training model, and thus broaden the discussion on the topic and raise awareness of the benefits that this modality can bring to the workforce's development.
Under decidedly non-ideal conditions and with the need for companies to adapt quickly, these case studies address both the difficulties encountered in the process, the solutions found, and the impact of this change on the trainees' skills development.
In total, the project conducted 27 case studies and interviewed 32 students. Most internships lasted between 3 and 6 months, were held online, and concentrated in applied sciences fields. One probable reason for that can be explained due to the long history of collaboration between universities of applied sciences and the labour market, as pointed out in the following chapters. However, nowadays, we see the phenomenon emerging and gaining momentum in research universities also, which can offer a new perspective for students and companies.